Following is a video I created for an education course I am currently taking. It describes the best teacher I ever had.
In my humble opinion, I also felt she forgot what it was like to be a child. She expected little children to sit still and listen to a talking head for long periods of time. And rather than encourage creative and "wild" ideas, she forced the children to conform to a preconceived standard or answer that she thought was right. It was a tough year but we survived. Thankfully, I had the opportunity to share feedback and she received it quite well, considering the message.
DOs of teaching:
1. Set high goals for your students...see their potential.
2. Tap into their passions.
3. Manage classroom behavior while encouraging wild ideas.
4. Make sure that all students are keeping up with the coursework.
DON'Ts of teaching:
1. Use intimidation as a classroom management technique.
2. Dumb down your lessons.
3. Smash creativity out of your students by spelling out every aspect of the assignment for them.
4. Forget that learning should be fun!
Thank you for sharing your story, Debbie! It's amazing how teachers can inspire us and make such an impact on our lives.